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International Business 在布拉格学习和宝博体育项目 Spring 2025 Semester

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International Business



CEA CAPA合作机构: CEA CAPA Prague Center
Location: Prague, Czech Republic
Primary Subject Area: Business
Instruction in: English
Course Code: BUS320PRG
Transcript Source: 纽黑文大学
Course Details: Level 300
推荐学分: 3
Contact Hours: 45



本课程提供影响健全和可行的国际商业惯例的许多不同领域的基本和专业知识, including the patterns of international trade; the structure and institutions of global finance; the competitive environment of the international marketplace; the cultural, political-economic and legal-labor factors affecting international business; the cross-cultural marketing and management techniques essential for dealing with foreign values, habits and expectations; and the challenges of ethical and economic constraints imposed upon both manufacturing and human resource management in international markets today.

因此,商业全球化在这一过程中占有重要地位. 从现实生活中的案例研究和现在的例子, 本课程分析与不同文化相关的具体商业实践,以展示不同国家的商业文化是如何适应的, 有时会在内心重塑自我, 全球化的结构性现实. 本课程为理解众多参与者提供了广泛的基础, practices, 以及构成当今全球市场的结构性力量. 它将为学生在广泛的国际市场营销课程中追求额外的商业研究做好准备, management, 和金融,同时为他们提供应对未来国际商业挑战所需的知识.


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